Don Wilson
Chief Client Officer

Don’s working background includes over 25 years of experience in instructional design, vocational education, e-learning, industrial education, and health and safety training.
As a motivational speaker on 24/7 safety concepts, he has been a frequent presenter at corporate health and safety meetings, as well as NSC, ASSP and VPPPA conferences at both the national and local level.
He has also presented briefings on 24/7 safety to the leadership of all branches of the U.S. Armed Services at the Pentagon, and has taught classes on various subjects at safety schools and organizations across North America and around the world. Don donates all his speaking fees to charities that improve the safety of communities.
Current Speaking Topics
Repeat After Me—I Will Do (At Least) These 5 Things to Improve Safety
Most companies experience the same safety problems—repeated injuries, TRI goals not being met, disengaged employees, lack of management participation and employees taking shortcuts. Discover these five proven elements to reach optimal safety and hear the success stories of companies who followed these methods to reach desired safety outcomes.
Three Approaches to Reducing Serious Injuries & Fatalities
Over the last decade, there’s been a disturbing trend when it comes to safety. Recordable injury rates have steadily been declining but the rate of serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) have remained flat or are increasing. Could “Zero Harm” initiatives be making this situation worse by diluting the focus of improvement strategies away from what really matters? This session will take a look at three different strategies for improving what is arguably an organization’s most important safety performance metric and discuss their effectiveness.
Leadership for Today’s Problems
A key issue many organizations face today is how their current safety management system will protect their employees 24/7—because the vast majority of injuries and accidental death occurs outside the workplace. Learn how to influence people to learn the critical error reduction techniques and awareness required to be safer 24/7.
View Don’s speaker video below for a brief overview of what to expect in his sessions. To book Don for a conference, association or corporate speaking event, please contact us.
Don speaks at Hydro Ottawa
This afternoon, I heard the best safety presentation ever in my 22 years as an environmental and safety professional. The presentation was given by Don Wilson of Electrolab. Don was flat-out outstanding!!!
– Rob Whittington
FKG Oil Company
Don has been selected as one of the 10 Top Speakers for the NSC 2020 Congress & Expo.
Top Videos
The Neuroscience of SafeStart
Leadership for Today’s Problems
Reducing Serious Injuries and Fatalities
Don Wilson Shares Cristine’s Story
Repeat After Me – I Will Do at Least These Five Things to Improve Safety
Top Articles
Leadership for Today’s Problems
Reducing Serious Injuries and Fatalities

Site Stakeholder Sessions
Get the best picture of how SafeStart will work in your company with an on-site stakeholder session delivered by Don.