Gary A. Higbee
EMBA, CSP, Senior Safety Consultant

Gary has been involved with SafeStart from the beginning, working with Larry Wilson throughout the development of the program and its many enhancements.
He is a Certified Safety Professional and has an MBA from the University of Iowa. He worked for over 32 years for John Deere & Company where he held assignments in safety, environmental, production and engineering.
Gary is our most experienced and recognized consultant within the safety industry—earning numerous awards, like the 2010 Distinguished Service to Safety Award by the National Safety Council and the Gary Hawk Safety Award (formerly known as the Governor’s Safety & Health Conference Safety Award). With over 45 years of experience, Gary has become an internationally recognized speaker on safety, health, environmental and business issues.
In addition to being the author of many published articles, Gary is the co-author of the book Inside Out—Rethinking Traditional Safety Management Paradigms.
Top Articles
Getting Executive Buy-in for Safety
Doing More of the Same Won’t Reduce SIFs
Five Stages to World-Class Safety
Nine Steps for Changing Your Safety Culture
Safety Culture and Organizational Change
Blog Posts
Gary’s 8-Point List on Leading SafeStart