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2017 Safety Workshops – SafeStart

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2017 Safety Workshops

How to get from A to B

Human error is the biggest factor in the majority of safety pros’ common safety pain points. If you’re one of them, it’s time to find a long-term solution.

SafeStart has the leading industry experts on human error who can provide an overview on how implementing human error reduction training can complement your existing safety program. They also offer an in-depth look at what makes SafeStart the world’s most effective advanced safety training process.

These experts are running safety workshops across North America in 2017, including both 1-Day Discovery Workshops and 3-Day Evaluation and Certification Workshops.

Here’s a complete list of SafeStart workshops for the coming year. Find more details for each workshop online or by contacting us.

Atlanta, GA—Nov. 28
Baltimore, MD—Apr. 25
Calgary, AB—Sept. 19
Charlotte, NC—Feb. 28
Chicago, IL—Oct. 24
Columbus, OH—Mar. 21
Dallas, TX—May 9
Denver, CO—June 6
Houston, TX—Dec. 5
Los Angeles, CA—Nov. 14
Miami, FL—Jan. 24
Montreal, QC—May 2
Nashville, TN—Oct. 17
New Orleans, LA—Mar. 7
Newark, NJ—Oct. 3
Phoenix, AZ—Feb. 14
Portland, OR—Apr. 11
Quebec City, QC—Nov. 21
Toronto, ON—Nov. 7

Guide to Safety Conferences

Safety Conference Guide

This guide contains tips on making the case to attend safety conferences, choosing sessions and how to maximize your experience.

Get the free guide now
