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Don Wilson is Navigating the Future of OH&S – SafeStart

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Don Wilson is Navigating the Future of OH&S


SafeStart Vice President Don Wilson is one of the international safety experts chosen to speak at the CSSE 2016 Professional Development Conference “Navigating the Future of OH&S”. Don will be conducting session 1A Leadership for Today’s Problems on September 19 from 10:45 am to 12 pm.

The session will help people to focus on 24/7 safety. Since the majority of injuries happen off the job, a shift in the focus of the safety program is required to realize that traditional safety management systems can only take you so far.

The CSSE Professional Development Conference is the largest annual conference for health and safety professionals in the country. If you’re attending the conference you won’t want to miss Don’s session—they’re always a crowd pleaser.

On-demand webinar

Reducing Serious Injuries and Fatalities: Three Influence Approaches and Their Effectiveness

Over the past decade, recordable injury rates have declined while serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) rates have plateaued or increased. We’ll look at different strategies for improving the safety performance metric and discuss the skills and knowledge required to stay safe in any setting.

Watch now

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