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Essential Considerations for Safety on Summer Vacation – SafeStart

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Essential Considerations for Safety on Summer Vacation

Summer safety on the water with family

No employer wants their workers to get injured while on vacation. But how many people actually think about the hazards involved in taking a summer holiday?

Everyone already knows about the risks of drowning, skin cancer and Lyme disease, but they still happen every year. Unfortunately, most employers just accept that the risks exist. Because what can they possibly do?

Safety managers and supervisors can educate workers on the risks that may be present on vacation and provide them with materials to share with their loved ones, especially as people sometimes have a mistaken assumption that nothing bad will happen on vacation.

And it’s true that a vacation can be an amazing experience—but only if it’s not spent in the emergency room. Thankfully, these ready-made vacation safety materials can be shared with workers before the summer.

The downloadable safety resources include a PowerPoint slide deck to present at a safety or a toolbox meeting, and a brochure for employees to take to their families to share basic information on the most common vacation risks.

They are designed to remind people that “Millions of people have vacations and business trips ruined each year when they succumb to food poisoning and ‘traveler’s diarrhea’.”

But reminding people of risks is not enough, so the PowerPoint slides and the brochure are filled with a number of tips on what precautions travelers can take to avoid having their summer ruined by food poisoning and other issues like back injuries from carrying luggage (a very common occurrence), driving abroad and first-aid kits.

Employers want to see their workers return from their holiday safe and rested. A short reminder about the risks of traveling for the holidays can help make that happen. After all, safety shouldn’t take a holiday just because employees do.

Free guide

Summer Safety in the Workplace

Summer is a popular time for employees to take vacations and leave work early to enjoy the nice weather the season brings which changes the dynamic for the employees who are at work during this time.

Get the free guide now

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