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SafeStart Speakers at Educational Innovation Conference – SafeStart

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SafeStart Speakers at Educational Innovation Conference

On July 2, Larry Wilson and Dr. Doug Nelson will be giving a presentation on critical self-management skills for students and educators in the Chicago area.

The session is part of the National Conference on Innovative Teaching Strategies, which runs from June 30 to July 2 and is aimed at giving “an opportunity for teachers, administrators and other educators to learn about new insights and strategies for reaching and teaching students.”

Larry and Doug will offer attendees a universal model for self-management and personal responsibility. The presentation, titled Self-Triggering: Critical Self-Management Skills for Educators and Students, will demonstrate how students and educators can recognize high-risk situations and then engage personal skills to achieve a positive outcome.

The featured session is one of numerous presentations at three concurrent conferences on innovative teaching strategies, school discipline and girl bullying and relational aggression.

It also marks another milestone towards our ongoing efforts to get SafeStart into the education system and the minds of our youth.

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