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Difference Between a Toolbox Talk and a Safety Meeting Depends on Perspective – SafeStart

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Difference Between a Toolbox Talk and a Safety Meeting Depends on Perspective

Safety meeting

What’s the difference between a toolbox talk and a safety meeting? The short answer is easy—not much.  

They both should be conducted on a regular basis, they educate workers on safety practices and they prevent complacency. They also contribute to a reduction in injuries, increase near-miss reporting and develop a strong culture of safety. In fact, some sources define a toolbox talk as any informal safety meeting. But even though the two words are often used interchangeably (and it can be hard to immediately see the difference) this post may change your perspective by providing the long answer. 

What’s different

The operative word in that toolbox talk definition above is informal—a safety meeting takes a more formal approach. Typically, a formal meeting will have an agenda or schedule outlining exactly what will be covered in the meeting and how long has been allotted for each section. Since there are multiple points to cover, these meetings are normally presented to a group of people and would allow time at the end for questions. A toolbox talk is more likely to get workers involved during the presentation and make it a conversation/demonstration. Another key difference is found in the duration. A toolbox talk is meant to be short (only 5–10 minutes) while a safety meeting tends to be longer.   

Safety meetings

On a construction site, a project kick-off safety meeting is typically attended by all employees and contractors who will be working on the jobsite (even the ones that might only be on site for a couple of hours). The first thing that is often presented is an agenda to let everyone know what the meeting is about. Next, the risks and hazards that can be found onsite are discussed in detail. Any required PPE that would help protect against these risks and hazards should be noted. A thorough breakdown of where to find the safety board of information (trailer or otherwise) should also happen, noting things like where to find the safety manager or supervisor for reporting purposes, where to find the supplied PPE (fall protection, respirators, etc.), who the qualified first-aiders are on-site, where first aid kits/fire extinguishers/eyewash stations are located, what engineered safety measures have been implemented, and the location of safety data sheets and any other pertinent safety documents. As this list of information implies, this safety meeting requires more than 5 or 10 minutes to deliver the information appropriately.

Toolbox talks

While a toolbox is also a planned meeting, they tend to only focus on one topic and at the absolute max should be no more than 15 minutes in length. Ideally, toolbox talks are performed at least weekly (and it’s worth noting that they’re a great way to start each day), covering issues that have been or may be encountered on the jobsite. If there aren’t any on-site topics that scream for attention, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t deliver a toolbox talk—you just need to find a relevant topic to deliver your toolbox talk on. Every month on the calendar serves as an inspiration for toolbox topics. For example, the summer months can focus on heat-related topics and the winter months focus on poor weather-related topics. But the calendar also has recognized national days like National Preparedness Month, National Fire Prevention Week and World Health Day that can help when determining toolbox topics. See these and more on our 12 months of toolbox topics page.

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