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Three SafeStart Speakers at the 2016 Arizona Health and Safety Summit

HSS 2016

Three of SafeStart’s senior consultants will be speaking at the 2016 Arizona Health and Safety Summit. The opening keynote speaker on April 21 is Tim Page-Bottorff. As the Past President of the Arizona ASSE Chapter and current Vice President of  Region II, ASSE, Tim will speak on Building the Foundation to Safety Success for personal safety.

Later that afternoon, you can see Danny Smith in a breakout session from 3:30–4:30 p.m. presenting The Other Side of the Coin: How Human Error Impacts Workers’ Compensation Costs. Based on Danny’s article on safety and workers’ compensation, attendees will learn to quantify the impact of human error and identify other costs related to workers’ compensation that may be impacted by improvements in safety and human performance.

Kevin Cobb will be the opening keynote speaker on April 22 from 8:30–10:00 a.m. where he will deliver Conquering the Cave Man. This presentation will address fear of change and how to manage it. Attendees will discover new and dynamic ways of handling challenges when it comes to the conflict of change among employees.

If you’re in Arizona on April 21-22, you won’t want to miss any of these renowned speakers.

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