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Find Out “Who Really Cares About Workplace Safety?” at the 2017 Safety Leadership Conference in Atlanta – SafeStart

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Find Out “Who Really Cares About Workplace Safety?” at the 2017 Safety Leadership Conference in Atlanta

For many years, EHS Today has been dedicated to promoting health and safety in the workplace. As the organizers of the Safety and Leadership Conference, they take their job even further by celebrating this year’s America’s Safest Companies (ASC) by providing health and safety professionals with an environment conducive to debate, learning, and collaboration.

At 9 a.m., on the first day of the conference, Vice President of SafeStart Don Wilson will join forces with John McGillivray of Scot Forge (one of America’s Safest Companies in 2014) to lead a workshop entitled Who Really Cares About Safety? They will address the problem of getting people to care about safety, and discuss how a common language and common purpose can get buy-in, commitment, and engagement from all levels of the organization.

The Safety and Leadership Conference will be held from September 11–13 at the Hilton Atlanta, GA. The delegates will have a chance to network with other industry professionals, EHS Today editorial staff, conference speakers, and the past and present America’s Safest Companies winners. The 2017 ASC Awards night out will also take place during the event.

The conference provides an opportunity to learn about implementing transformational safety leadership, plant floor safety technology, new risk management approaches, and best practices implementation. There are many fascinating sessions and speakers to choose from, as well as a chance to network. So if you have a chance to attend, make sure you don’t miss Don and John’s workshop and come and say hello to us on the second floor of the Hilton, where SafeStart will be located among the sponsor tables in the table top room.

On-demand webinar

Reducing Serious Injuries and Fatalities: Three Influence Approaches and Their Effectiveness

Over the past decade, recordable injury rates have declined while serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) rates have plateaued or increased. We’ll look at different strategies for improving the safety performance metric and discuss the skills and knowledge required to stay safe in any setting.

Watch now

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