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SafeStart at 2014 Pulp and Paper Safety Conference – SafeStart

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SafeStart at 2014 Pulp and Paper Safety Conference

The 2014 Pulp and Paper Safety Conference opens in a few days and we’re looking forward to attending the four-day industry event.

SafeStart's Don Wilson presents a safety workshop

The pulp and paper conference includes three full days of speakers discussing the latest safety topics, celebrating safety innovations and sharing the latest in industry-specific strategies for reducing injuries.

SafeStart’s Don Wilson is among the conference’s safety speakers and will be giving a talk titled Complacency: The Silent Killer on Tuesday June 24 from 3:45-4:45 pm.

SafeStart will also have a booth where you can chat with our representatives about how our injury reduction program can integrate with and improve your current safety processes.

For example, Georgia-Pacific incorporated SafeStart concepts into their safety and health vision and reduced injuries by 75% over a three-year period as outlined in this case study.

We look forward to seeing everyone in St. Petersburg, Florida at this year’s Pulp and Paper Safety Conference!

Guide to Safety Conferences

Safety Conference Guide

This guide contains tips on making the case to attend safety conferences, choosing sessions and how to maximize your experience.

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